
Areas of Practice

Areas of Practice


Criminal Conviction and Arrest Expungement

Expunging your criminal record in Oregon is the process of filing a legal motion with the court to have the Judge re-open the case to set aside the conviction and seal the records.

If the expungement motion is granted, you will no longer be considered convicted of the crime by the state of Oregon. Subsequently, once the conviction is expunged by the court you can then truthfully tell employers, your family, and all other interested parties that you have not previously been convicted of a crime. Furthermore, the expunged conviction will no longer show on employer and landlord background checks. It’s as if the event never happened, it’s that effective. Simply put, Criminal record expungement allows you to forget your past, so that you can fully embrace your future. 

Unfortunately, not everything is eligible for expungement. As with much in the law, there are certain exceptions within each category, but Zook Legal can help guide you through this legal minefield.


Zook Law, LLC provides complete and thorough Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy services. I would like to help you attain the fresh start that you deserve. 

In general, the filing of either Chapter will immediately stop a foreclosure, most garnishments, and debt collection activities.

Below is a brief overview of the types of bankruptcy relief I may assist.

Chapter 7: This type of bankruptcy eliminates typically all your unsecured credit card debt, medical bills, personal loans, debts from vehicle repossession and any personal liability from a foreclosure. In some situations even tax debt can be discharged (see below for other ways tax debt can be treated). Receiving a discharge of your debts in Chapter 7 means that creditors cannot hold you personally liable for the debts or seek collection actions against you for the debts.

Chapter 13: This type of bankruptcy is more complicated than a Chapter 7, but can provide enormous amounts of debt relief. With a Chapter 13, you enter into an interest free repayment plan where you generally only payback a portion of your debt. The remaining dischargeable debts that are not paid back within the 36 month or 60 month monthly payment plan are discharged after completing your bankruptcy plan. 

Additionally, in many situations a Chapter 13 may allow you to i) save your home and repay arrears through the plan ii) completely remove and discharge a second mortgage from your home iii) pay only what your car is worth and not the full loan amount iv) repay priority tax debt to the IRS or the state.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning is the process whereby a plan is created, and documents prepared to conserve, protect, and distribute estate assets before and after death for the benefit of loved ones and charities.

Proper estate planning will always take into consideration the effect of state and federal tax and administrative laws and regulations. It can also involve planning for the use of your assets for your care if you become unable to manage your affairs during your lifetime. If you own a home, have some savings, or own any goods such as a car or furniture, then you have an estate. Planning for the future will affect the financial security of those you love. If you don't plan for what happens to your estate upon your death, the government will make those decisions for you. 

I will professionally and diligently execute the proper documents and advise you on how to notify executors, trustees, and potential legal guardians.


Probate is a legal process whereby a court oversees the distribution of assets left by a deceased person.

Assets are anything a person owns with value, such as real and personal property and cash, for instance. It is important to note, however, that probate is not always necessary. If the deceased person owned bank accounts or property with another person, the surviving co-owner often will then own that property automatically. Additionally, if a person dies leaving very few assets, such as personal belongings or household goods, these items can be distributed among the rightful beneficiaries without the supervision of the court.

An analysis of the estate would determine the direction needed to be taken, if any. I can assist with that determination. 




12725 sw Millikan Way, Suite 300
Beaverton OR 97005


(212) 555-0110